
Foundation Projects
Eight small-scale Foundation Projects began on 1 February 2020 and finished in 2022. The projects aim to lay the foundations for a virtual national collection by identifying and addressing the current or future challenges facing the formation of such a collection. Each project is a collaboration between at least one Independent Research Organisation (IRO) and one Higher Education Institution and includes relevant non-IRO organisations.

Discovery Projects
The Discovery Projects represent the most substantial part of Towards a National Collection and the call is currently funding five projects over a maximum of 36 months within a total funding envelope of up to £15m. The indicative limit for each project was £3 million (80% FEC). This call went through a two-stage application process via UKRI’s Joint Electronic Submission System (JeS), with an outline stage followed by a full proposal stage.

COVID-19 Projects
Three digital projects were selected as part of TaNC’s COVID-19 ‘Urgency Call’ to provide a critical and time-sensitive evaluation of the digital practice undertaken by museums during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide scalable lessons to inform future museum practice as well as the overall TaNC programme. Building on data collected during the first lockdown, the projects will analyse the effectiveness and reach of digital collections and advise on solutions to the digital divide between large and small collection institutions.